Who we are (and why)

Wow! Thank you so much for all the great feedback we got from you! Many people wanted to know more about us and the equipment we use to take our Ghost Town pictures. So here are some facts:

We are Daniel and Ligian Ter-Nedden, married, born 1973 and 1971. He's Swiss, she's Brazilian, both are living close to Zurich, Switzerland.

Who we are

Until 2003, Daniel was accompanied by his friend Carola Schibli. With her he discovered "ghosttowning" as a hobby.

Why and when we started ghosttowning

It was in 1996 when we got caught by the Ghost Town virus, during a "normal" vacation to the US. We were driving back to L.A. from Las Vegas, when we decided to have a quick look at the tourist Ghost Town of Calico. Inside a shop there was a picture on the wall showing the city as it was around 1890. We found it interesting what had become of the city that once had over 3500 inhabitants. Back in L.A. we changed our vacation plans, bought literature on Ghost Towns and visited many of them in the California back country. One of them was the famous Bodie Ghost Town. The buildings there were so picturesque that we couldn't stop taking pictures. Since then we have visited and photographed more than 200 Ghost Towns in nine states and our fascination for them is still strong.

Our equipment:

Since 2003 we use Canon digital reflex cameras, an EOS-1Ds and an EOS-40D. Before, all pictures were shot using Canon reflex cameras on Fuji color print film. We used Kodak Photo CD to have the pictures digitized.

We appreciate your feedback and comments very much! Use the feedback form to contact us or send us an e-mail on ghosttowns@ghosttowngallery.com.

If you want to support our work, consider buying our photos for printing and decorating your home. It'll give you a constant "out in the west" feeling! Click here to find out more about purchasing prints.

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